讲座人:Daniel S. Margulies
Tenured CNRS Researcher,American, PI, Frontlab, CNRS UMR 7225, Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Epinière 2018 Wiley Young Investigator Award, Organization for Human Brain Mapping.
Research Interests:
His research investigates the organization of large-scale brain networks, primarily through the analysis of intrinsic activity as measured with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). He has developed approaches to define subregions within complex cortical areas, conducted cross-species comparative neuroanatomical studies, and related variation in these networks to phenotypic differences across individuals. His current research addresses the emergence of network topography and its relationship to cortical structure.
What determines the spatial arrangement of distinct areas of the cerebral cortex? Insights into functional processing streams indicate that areas are arranged stepwise, such that adjacent spatial position along the cortical mantle represents functional gradients. Having been largely restricted to describing processing within specific sensory modalities, how do these principles generalize across modalities and extend to the surrounding association cortex? He will present recent work describing various features of a principal gradient in cortical connectivity that spans between primary sensory/motor areas and higher-order transmodal association regions that in humans are known as the default-mode network. This arrangement suggests developmental mechanisms giving rise to the spatial distribution of cortical functions, and provides an anatomical scaffolding for investigating the propagation of information at both local and distributed spatial scales.