Title: Reward Shapes Attention
Speaker: Jan Theeuwes
Time: 2014.10.10 (Friday), 2:00 PM
Place: Hangzhou Normal University Cangqian Campus. Shuyuan Building 19-109 (杭州师范大学仓前校区恕园 19-109 报告厅)
Abstract: Classic models of attentional control assert a dichotomy between topdown and bottom-up control, with the former determined by current selection goals and the latter determined by physical salience. In the present presentation, I will argue that this theoretical dichotomy is inadequate to explain a number of cases in which neither current goals nor physical salience can account for strong selection biases. In this talk I will discuss recent evidence that suggests that visual selection is determined by previous experience of rewards and punishment. We show attentional and oculomotor capture by stimuli that are associated with monetary reward. Moreover, stimuli associated with punishment (i.e., predicting electric shocks) also capture attention and eye movements indicating that not only reward but also threatening stimuli are prioritized by the visual system. Finally, we show that stimuli that merely signal the presence of reward (c.f., Pavlovian conditioning) have to ability to summon attention. The present study adds to the growing evidence that stimuli associated or signalling reward and punishment have the ability to exogenously capture spatial and non-spatial attention independent of task-set, goals and salience.
Jan Theeuwes, 阿姆斯特丹自由大学认知心理学系系主任,欧洲认知心理学学会主席。 Jan Theeuwes 教授目前已经发表论文220余篇,被引用近12000 次, H指数为 56, 是注意研究领域的著名专家。他近期的研究工作聚焦于奖赏对注意和知觉的影响, 并于 2013 年获得 European Research Council Advanced Grant 资助( 250 万 欧元)。