Topic: Modern Analytics for Large-Scale Multi-modality Brain Mapping
Speaker: James Gee
Time: 2013.6.26, Wednesday, 10:00 a.m.
Place: 2nd floor meeting room, building 7, The Affilated Hospital of Hanzhong Normal University.
Introduction: James Gee, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Radiologic Science and Computer and Information Science, Director of the the HHMI-NIBIB (Howard Hughes Medical Institute National Institutes of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering) Interfaces Program in Biomedical Imaging and Informational Sciences, and Co-Director of the Translational Biomedical Imaging Center of the Institute for Translational Medicine and Therapeutics, all at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Dr. Gee's interests are broadly in the field of biological and medical image analysis and computing. Toward this end, the group he directs, the Penn Image Computing and Science Laboratory (PICSL), conducts basic and applied research in mathematical, computational and statistical methods for extracting, analyzing and integrating information from imaging and ancillary data. Of particular interest to the lab are methods for detecting, quantifying and modeling the ways in which anatomy and physiology can vary in nature, over time, or as a consequence of disease or therapy. PICSL is well known internationally for its long track record of methodological innovation in nearly every area of the field and our commitment to translating research accomplishments into highly acclaimed open-source software – the lab's ITK-SNAP, ANTS, DTI-TK and ITK software are consistently ranked as the best performing and most widely used applications in segmentation, registration, DTI analysis and morphometry. The group’s large portfolio of interdisciplinary collaborations spans different model systems and the major modalities in biological and medical imaging, in integrative studies of structure-function relationships of the eye, brain, breast, lung, heart and musculoskeletal system in health and disease.