Topic: New development of MR-PET systems and their applications.
Speaker: Professor Zhu Jian-Ming.
Time: 2013.1.28 Monday 10:00 a.m.
Place: 5th floor meeting room, building 7,The Affilated Hospital of Hanzhong Normal University.
Obtained >$5 million research funds as a principal investigator (PI) or co-PI over the last ten years; including $805K for Small Business Innovation Research Award from the US National Institute of Health, the US Department of Defense, US Army, the Radiology Society of North American, the Susan Komen Foundation, and the North Carolina Biotechnology Center.
Co-Founded a medical imaging software company in 2009, anduccessfully acquired in 2012.
Supervised and mentored 8 research associates, postdoctoral fellows, MSc and PhD students.
33 peer-reviewed scientific publications, 1 book chapter on medical imaging and quality control.
78 Conferences papers (posters, talks and displays).
32 Invited international talks and lectures at conferences, universities & research centers.
11 Industry-standard trade secrets (GE owned company intellectual properties). 3 Pending patents for MRI, cancer imaging and molecular imaging.
Trained and mentored by world’s most successful innovator and researcher in the radiology and medical imaging field: Ian C.P. Smith (FRSC, OC) (PhD advisor, 1992-1996); Paul C. Lauterbur (Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology, 2003) (Postdoctoral mentor, 1997-98)