The Development of Children’s Moral Behavior group at the Institute of Psychological Sciences is dedicated in conducting research on children’s moral socialization along with its cognitive, social and neuro mechanisms with extensive international collaborations. The team uses behavioral experimental methods and neuroscience technologies such as ERP and fNIRS in an aim to conduct a systematic work on children’s moral understanding and moral judgment, the development of lying and cheating behavior, the development of children’s racial bias as well as their correlates. It also aims to examine how children and adults detect deception such as lying and cheating. The team had published nearly one hundred English papers (SCI/SSCI) in international journals, with more than ten papers published in Top 10 journals such as Psychological Scienceand Child Development. The team’s work was widely covered by the international media outlets such as New York Times, CNN, CBS, Times, and the Daily Mail. The team members include Prof. Genye Fu, Prof. Li Zhao, Prof. Weina Ma, Prof. Liyang Sai, Dr. Chao Hu, Dr. Siyuan Shang, and Dr. Xiaohong Lin.