Jing Zhao, Associate professor
E-mail: zhaojing561@126.com
Research direction
Cognitive and neural bases of visual word processing
Cognitive and neural bases of reading development and dyslexia
Early screening and intervention of developmental dyslexia
Learning experience
2002 September---2006 July Hebei Normal University
2006 September---2012 June Institute of Psychology CAS
2010 October---2011 October Saarland University Germany
Work experience
2012 July---up to now Hangzhou Normal University
Scientific research
Research projects
Published papers
Huidong Xue#, Zhiguo Wang, Yufei Tan, Hang Yang, Wanlu Fu, Licheng Xue, & Jing Zhao*. Resting-state EEG reveals global network deficiency in dyslexic children. Neuropsychologia, 2020, 138, 1-8.
Jing Zhao, Urs Maurer, Sheng He, Xuchu Weng*. Development of neural specialization for print: Evidence for predictive coding in visual word recognition. PLoS Biology, 2019, 17(10).
Licheng Xue#, Urs Maurer, Xuchu Weng, & Jing Zhao*. Familiarity with visual forms contributes to a left-lateralized and increased N170 response for Chinese characters. Neuropsychologia, 2019, 134, 1-8.
Xiaoxian Zhang, Wanlu Fu, Licheng Xue, Jing Zhao*, & Zhiguo Wang. Children with Mathematical Learning Difficulties Are Sluggish in Disengaging Attention. 2019, 1-9.
Wanlu Fu#, Jing Zhao*, Yun Ding, & Zhiguo Wang. Dyslexic children are sluggish in disengaging spatial attention. Dyslexia, 2019, 25(2), 158-172.
Jing Zhao*, Hang Yang, Xuchu Weng, & Zhiguo Wang. Emergent attentional bias toward visual word forms in the environment: evidence from eye movements, 2018. Frontiers in Psychology, 2018, 1-7.
Yufei Tan#, Xiuhong Tong, Wei Chen, Xuchu Weng, Sheng He, Jing Zhao*Vernier but not grating acuity contributes to early stage of visual word processing. Neuroscience Bulletin, 2018, 34(3), 517-526.
Hang Y.#, Zhao, J.*, Gaspar, C.*, Chen, W., Tan, Y., Weng, X. Selectivity of N170 for visual words in the right hemisphere: Evidence from single-trial analysis. Psychophysiology, 2017, 54(8),1128-1137.
Ding, Y.#, Zhao, J.*, He, T., Tan, Y., Zheng, L., & Wang, Z. Selective Impairments in Covert Shifts of Attention in Chinese Dyslexic Children. Dyslexia, 2016, 22(4), 362-378.
Jing Zhao, Kipp, Kerstin., Carl Gaspar, Urs Maurer, Xuchu Weng, Axel Mecklinger, & Su Li*. Fine neural tuning for orthographic properties of words emerges early in children reading alphabetic script. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2014, 26, 2431-2442.
Jing Zhao, Pei Zhao, Xuchu Weng, & Su Li*. Do preschool children learn to read words from environmental prints? PLOS one, 2014, 9, e85745.
Jing Zhao, Su Li*, Si’en Lin, Xiaohua Cao, Sheng He, & Xuchu Weng*. The selectivity of N170 in the left hemisphere as an electrophysiological marker for expertise in reading Chinese. Neuroscience Bulletin, 2012, 28, 577-584.
The teaching works
Education of children with learning difficulties
Sports rehabilitation training
Evaluation and Intervention of Learning Disabilities
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