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Advertisement for positions on brain imaging, cognitive neuroscience, and brain disorders

1. Postdoctoral (or graduate)

We are searching for candidates for two positions on postdoctoral (or graduate) level. The candidates should have strong background in brain imaging (fMRI, MRS, EEG/MEG, TMS) and preferably strong education in neuroscience/brain imaging, engineering, physics, and/or computational neuroscience for data analyses. The project focuses on resting state and task-evoked activity in relation to mental features like self in both healthy and psychiatric subjects where neuronal, electrophysiological and biochemical measures will be obtained. A specific focus will be on novel ways of dynamic and non-linear analyses of the brain imaging data.

This is a collaborative project between Prof G. Northoff (University of Ottawa, Zhejiang University and Hangzhou Normal University:www.georgnorthoff.com) and Prof. Y. Zang (Cognition and Brain Disorders, Hangzhou Normal University: http://ccbd.hznu.edu.cn). The student can also spend part time in Canada for specific data analyses. More information about us and our work can be found on our websites (as above). Salary for the postdoctoral students depends on qualifications and will be around 180,000 – 350,000 RMB. Outstanding candidates may also qualify for faculty position.

Candidates shall contact: Dr. G. Northoff:georg.northoff@theroyal.ca ) and/or Dr Y. Zang:zangyufengrest@foxmail.com or zangyf@hznu.edu.cn)  

2. The CCBD of Hangzhou Normal University has also a few other positions (both tenure or tenure track) with high salary and housing welfare.

【来源: 日期:2018-03-19 09:06:07 点击:1289