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2019/12至今: 副教授   杭州师范大学 认知与脑疾病研究中心

2012/07至今: 副研究员 杭州师范大学 认知与脑疾病研究中心

2012/07至2019/12: 讲师  杭州师范大学 教育学院

2010/11至2011/06: 访问学者 加拿大魁北克大学 教育心理系


2010/07至2012/05:联合培养博士生 加拿大蒙特利尔大学 心理学系 方向:视知觉  

2009/09至2012/06:博 士 西南大学 心理学部   专业:发展与教育心理学

2006/09至2009/06:硕 士 西南大学 心理学院   专业:基础心理学      

2001/09至2005/07:学 士 内蒙古师范大学 教育科学学院   专业:心理学


2019年 杭州师范大学2018届就业工作先进个人

2016年 2015年科学通报年度最佳封面奖

2016年 杭州师范大学心理科学研究院年度考核优秀奖

2010-2012年 国家留学基金委公派研究生专项奖学金

2010年 重庆市优秀硕士论文

2009-2010年 西南大学 优秀科技论文奖、优秀研究生二等奖

2009年 西南大学 优秀硕士毕业生、优秀硕士论文

2008-2009年 西南大学 研究生优秀科技论文奖

2007-2008年西南大学 优秀研究生一等奖








Chen,J., Sun,D.,Wang, P.,Lv., Y. & Zhang.,Y.*. Brain mechanism of Chinese character processing in the rapid stream stimulation. Journal of Neurolinguistics, Accepted. SSCI JCR 2

Chen, J. & Zhang, Y.*(2022). Chinese Character Processing in Visual Masking. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:763705. SSCI JCR 2
          Luo, C., Chen, W., VanRullen, R.,
Zhang, Y.*, & Gaspar, C. M.* (2022). Nudging the N170 forward with prior stimulation—Bridging the gap between N170 and recognition potential. Human Brain Mapping, 43(4):1214-1230. SCIE-JCR 1
          Feng, M.N., Sun, D.,&
Zhang, Y.*(2021). Recognizing Chinese Characters in Peripheral Vision: Different Levels of Processing of Character. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 50:275-291. SSCI JCR 2

Luo C., Chen,W., Zhang, Y.*, Gaspar C.M.* (2019). Rapid stream stimulation can enhance the stimulus selectivity of early evoked responses to written characters but not faces. PLoS ONE 14(3): e0213637.

Estephan, A., Fiset, D., Saumure, C., Plouffedemers, M., Zhang, Y., Sun, D., & Blais, C.* (2018). Time Course of Cultural Differences in Spatial Frequency Use for Face Identification. Scientific Reports, 8(1).

Yang, Q.*, Luo, C., & Zhang, Y.* (2017). Individual Differences in the early recognition of moral information in lexical processing: an event-related potential study. Scientific Reports, 7: 1475.

Luo, C., Chen, W., & Zhang, Y.* (2017). The Inversion Effect for Chinese Characters is Modulated by Radical Organization. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 46:791–803.

Tardif, J., Fiset, D., Zhang, Y., Estephan, A., Cai, Q., Luo, C., & Blais, C. (2017). Culture Shapes Spatial Frequency Tuning for Face Identification. Journal of Experimental Psychology Human Perception & Performance, 43(2):294-306.

Wang, H., J, X., Zhang, Y., Wang, J. (2016). Single-subject morphological brain networks: connectivity mapping, topological characterization and test–retest reliability. Brain and Behavior, 6(4), e00448.

Yang, Q., Yan, L., Luo, J., Li, A., Zhang, Y., Tian, X., & Zhang, D. (2013). Temporal Dynamics of Disgust and Morality: An Event-Related Potential Study. PloS one, 8(5), e65094.

     Zhao, G., Liu, Q. (co-first author), Zhang, Y., Jiao, J., Zhang, Q., Sun, H., Li, H. (2011). The amplitude of N2pc reflects the physical disparity between target item and distracters. Neuroscience Letters, 491, 68-72.

Liu Q, Zhang Y, Campos JL, Zhang QL, Sun H-J (2011). Neural Mechanisms for the Effect of Prior Knowledge on Audiovisual Integration. Biological Psychology, 87(2), 200-208.

Zhang, Y., Liu Q., Yang Q., & Zhang Q. (2010). Electrophysiological correlates of early processing of visual word recognition: N2 as an index of visual category feature processing. Neuroscience Letters, 473, 32–36.

Xiao, X., Zhang, Q.,Jia, L., Zhang, Y., & Luo, J. (2010). Temporal course of cognitive control in a picture–word interference task. NeuroReport, 21:104–107.

Zhang, Y., Qiu, J., Huang, H., Bao, B., & Zhang, Q. (2009). Chinese character recognition in mirror reading: Evidence from event-related potential. International Journal of Psychology, 44 (5), 360–368.

Zhang, Y., Liu, Q., & Zhang, Q. (2009). The recognition potential reflects an intermediate level of visual representation. Neuroscience Letters, 2009, 454, 86–90.

Liu, Q., Li, H., Campos, J.L., Wang, Q., Zhang, Y., Qiu, J., Zhang, Q., & Sun, H. (2009). The N2pc component in ERP and the lateralization effect of language on color perception. Neuroscience Letters, 454, 58–61.

Zhang, Y., Yuan, J., Bao, B., & Zhang, Q.(2008). The recognition potential and rotated Chinese Character. Brain Research, 1233, 98-105.

Qiu, J., Li, H., Wei Y.G., Liu, Q, Zhang, Y., & Zhang, Q.L.(2008). Neural mechanisms underlying the processing of Chinese and English words in a word generation task: An event-related potential study. Psychophysiology, 45(6), 970-976.

Yang, J., Li, H., Zhang, Y., Qiu, J., & Zhang, Q. (2007). The neural basis of risky decision-making in a blackjack task. NeuroReport, 18(14), 1507-1510.

II 中文论文:

蔡秋菊 & 张烨*(2019).异族面孔识别的电位效应.杭州师范大学学报(自然科学版,18(6): 586-591.

孙丹 & 张烨* (2016). 双侧梭状回面孔区在面孔加工中的功能分工与协作.心理科学进展, 24( 4), 510–516.

陈丽, 李伟霞, 张烨, 张庆林*(2015). 躯体知觉的认知神经机制.心理科学, 32(1) :85-92.

蔡秋菊,罗灿煌,张烨*(2015).识别电位研究概述. 心理学探新, 35(6),509 -513.

张烨*, 邵涵钰, GASPAR,等(2015).左侧颞下叶在面孔信息加工中的作用:一项ECoG案例研究. 科学通报, 25: 2438-2446.

张烨,* 张凤华, 向玲, 张庆林(2014).人类面孔早期加工特异性神经机制.心理学探新, 34(4):316-322

张烨, 刘强, 张庆林(2011).视觉系统中类别信息加工区的特异性.心理科学进展, 19(1), 42-49.

张烨, 张庆林(2010).识别电位认知功能探析. 心理科学进展,18 (1), 28-33.

张烨, 杨娟, 张庆林(2007).逻辑分析在四卡问题解决中作用.西南大学学报 (自然科学版), 29(10), 161-164.

李明芳, 张烨, 贾磊, 李婷, 李伟霞, 张庆林(2011).面孔识别特异性本质的ERP研究. 心理学发展与教育, 5, 459 - 467.

李明芳, 张烨, 张庆林(2010).面孔识别中脑电成分N170研究概述.心理科学进展, 18 (12): 1942-1948.

杨娟, 张烨, 张庆林(2009).外显自尊脑机制实验材料的筛选.心理科学, 32(1), 44-47.

田学红, 杨群, 张德玄, 张烨(2011).道德直觉加工机制的理论构想.心理科学进展, 19 (10): 1426-1433.


冉硕,张烨 (2020). 语言形成的经济性原则. 第二十二届全国心理学学术会议,中国 杭州,10月.

Luo, C., Chen, W., Gaspar, C., Zhang, Y. (2016). 快速刺激流范式效度检验. 第一届北京视觉科学会议, 中国 北京,7月.

Luo, C., Chen, W., Gaspar, C., Zhang, Y. (2016). Bridging the “gap” between N170 and Recognition potential. The 22nd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Geneva, Switzerland, July.

Tardif , J., Zhang, Y., Fiset, D., Cai, Q., Luo, C., Sun, D., Tanguay, S., Estéphan, A., Gosselin, F., Blais, C. (2015). Westerners and Easterners use different spatial frequencies for face recognition. Vision Sience Society 15th Annual Meeting, Florida, USA, May 10 – 15.

Zhang, Y., Gaspar, C., Shao, H., Zhu, J., Tang, Y., Chen, W., He, S., Weng, X. Face information processing in the left inferior temporal lobe – an ECoG case study (2013). Poster Presentation, the 9th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision, Suzhou, China, July 5- 7.

Fiset, D., Blais, C., Zhang, Y., Hébert, K., Gosselin, F., Willenbockel, V., Dupuis-Roy, N., Bub, D., Zhang, Q., Tanaka, J. (2012). Caucasian and Asian observers used the same visual features for race categorization. Poster Presentation, Vision Sience Society 12th Annual Meeting, Florida, USA, May 10 – 15.

Zhang, Y., Liu, Q., & Zhang, Q. The recognition potential reflects an intermediate level of visual representation. The 9th International Conference on Cognitive ScienceBeijing, China, May 25-27, 2009.

Zhang, Y., Yuan, J., Bao, B., & Zhang, Q. The recognition potential and rotated Chinese Character2008. 中国心理学会普通心理学与实验心理学专业委员会2008年学术年会, 四川成都, 9月20-21日.


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