2011年9月7日,美国北卡罗来纳大学(UNC)耿秀娟博士来访脑中心,并做精彩的学术报告。她报告的题目是:<Structural, Diffusion and Multi-modal MRI Techniques in Neuroimaging Studies>。报告重点阐述了她做的MRI像的配准算法以及该算法在发育和脑疾病中的应用。该算法与目前常用的SPM中的配置算法不同的是,她的算法同时考虑了更多误差项并将其融合在cost function中,从而实现更精准的配准。此外,耿博士还为大家讲解了群组水平的配准新算法,以及同时考虑到扩散方向的DTI图像的配准算法。此次报告引发了大家热烈的讨论,为之后的进一步交流与合作打下良好基础。
Dr. Geng’s research interests lie in medical image processing and analysis. She has an extensive background in image registration, spatial normalization of diffusion-weighted MRI data and brain morphometry analysis. Her current research focuses on developing and applying structural and diffusion MRI techniques in early brain development studies in normal children including twins and children at risk for psychiatric disorders. She is interested in the investigation of brain functional and structural connectivities, and their genetic heritability in normal and high risk children from age 0 up to age 6.