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Shuaiyu Chen

Shuaiyu Chen

School of Psychology,

Center for Cognition and Brain Disorders

Institutes of Psychological Sciences

Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou, China


Research Interests

Internet gaming disorder, Internet addiction, obesity, food addiction, cognitive neuroscience, fMRI.


 01/2022 –12/2024 The representative processing and neuralmechanisms in individuals with Internet gaming disorder, National Natural Science Foundation of China, PI

 01/2021–12/2023 The Cognitive and Neural Mechanisms of Appetitive Conditioning for Disinhibited Eaters, Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province, PI


2019.11---now, Hangzhou Normal University, Center for Cognition and Brain Disorders, lecturer


2016-2019     PhD in Department of Psychology, Southwest University

2013-2016     Master of Psychology in Department of Psychology, Southwest University

MAIN PUBLICATIONS (* corresponding)

(1) Chen, Shuaiyu, Dong, Debo, Jackson, Todd, Su, Yanhua, & Chen, Hong. (2016). Altered frontal inter-hemispheric resting state functional connectivity is associated with bulimic symptoms among restrained eaters. Neuropsychologia, 81, 22-30.

(2) Chen, Shuaiyu, Dong, Debo, Jackson, Todd, Zhuang, Qian, & Chen, Hong. (2017). Trait-based food-cravings are encoded by regional homogeneity in the parahippocampal gyrus. Appetite, 114, 155-160.

(3) Chen, Shuaiyu, Jackson, Todd, Dong, Debo, Zhang, Xuemeng., & Chen, Hong. (2019). Exploring effects of single-session anodal tDCS over the inferior frontal gyrus on responses to food cues and food cravings among highly disinhibited restrained eaters: A preliminary study. Neuroscience letters, 706, 211-216.

(4) Chen, Shuaiyu, Jackson, Todd, Dong, Debo, Zhuang, Qian, & Chen, Hong. (2019). Effects of Palatable Food Versus Thin Figure Conflicts on Responses of Young Dieting Women. Front Psychol, 10, 1025.

(5) Chen, Shuaiyu, Li, Hui, Wang, Lingxiao, Du, Xiaoxia, & Dong, Guang-Heng. (2020). A preliminary study of disrupted functional network in individuals with Internet gaming disorder: Evidence from the comparison with recreational game users. Addict Behav, 102, 106202.

6 Chen, S., Wang, M., Dong, H., Wang, L., Jiang, Y., Hou, X., ... & Dong, G. H. (2021). Internet gaming disorder impacts gray matter structural covariance organization in the default mode network. Journal of Affective Disorders, 288, 23-30.

7Zhang, J., Dong, H., Zhao, Z., Chen, S., Jiang, Q., Du, X., & Dong, G.-H. (2020). Altered Neural Processing of Negative Stimuli in People with Internet Gaming Disorder: fMRI Evidence from the Comparison with Recreational Game Users. Journal of Affective Disorders.

8Zhang, J., Chen, S., Jiang, Q., Dong, H., Zhao, Z., Du, X., & Dong, G. H. (2021). Disturbed craving regulation to gaming cues in Internet gaming disorder: implications for uncontrolled gaming behaviors. Journal of Psychiatric Research.

9Zhou, W., Zheng, H., Wang, M., Zheng, Y., Chen, S., Wang, M. J., & Dong, G. H. (2021). The imbalance between goal-directed and habitual systems in internet gaming disorder: Results from the disturbed thalamocortical communications. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 134, 121-128.

10XM.Zhang., SY Chen., H. Chen ., Y,Gu., & W, Xu., (2017). General and Food-Specific Inhibitory Control As Moderators of the Effects of the Impulsive Systems on Food Choices. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 802.

11SQ Song., YX Zhang., J Qiu., XJ Li., K Ma., SY Chen., H,Chen.,(2019). Brain structures associated with eating behaviors in normal-weight young females. Neuropsychologia,

12Dong, D., Wang, Y., Jackson, T., Chen, S., Wang, Y., Zhou, F., & Chen, H. (2016). Impulse control and restrained eating among young women: Evidence for compensatory cortical activation during a chocolate-specific delayed discounting task. Appetite, 105, 477-486.

(13) Huang, Y., Li, X., Jackson, T., Chen, S., Meng, J., Jiang, Q., & Chen, H. (2019). Interaction Effect of Sex and Body Mass Index on Gray Matter Volume. Front Hum Neurosci, 13, 360.

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