2007-2012, B.S., Medical Imageology, Mudanjiang medical University.
2012-2019, MRI technician, Center for Cognition and Brain Disorders, Hangzhou Normal university.
1. Qiu Ge, Wei Peng, Jian Zhang, Xuchu Weng, Yong Zhang, Thomas Liu, Yu Feng Zang, and Ze Wang. 2017. “Short-Term Apparent Brain Tissue Changes Are Contributed by Cerebral Blood Flow Alterations.” PLoS ONE 12 (8).
2. Wei Peng, Jia Zhang, Da Chang, Zhuo-Wen Shen, Yuanqi Shang, Donghui Song, Qiu Ge, Xuchu Weng, Ze Wang, Attention and working memory task-load dependent activation increase and deactivation decrease after caffeine ingestion, Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2017, in press.
3. Chang D, Song D, Zhang J, et al. Caffeine Caused a Widespread Increase of Resting Brain Entropy[J]. Scientific reports, 2018, 8(1): 2700.
Conference Papers:
1. Qiu Ge, Jian Zhang ,Da Chang, Wei Peng, Yufeng Zang Xuchu Weng, Ze Wang 2017.Cerebral Blood Flow Reduction Contributed to the Caffeine-induced Reduction of Task Deactivation. ICMRI2017, Seoul, Korea, 2017.3.10.
2. Qiu Ge , Wei Peng , Yong Zhang , Yu-Feng Zhang , Thomas Liu , Xuchu Weng , and Ze Wang ,Short-term cerebral blood flow reduction induced “apparent” brain tissue density reduction. ISMRM2016, Singapore ,2016.5.13.
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