Gen-yue FU, Professor
Address: Department of Psychology, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China 311121
Tel: 571-28867170 (o)
Email: fugenyue@
M.A. (1987) Department of Psychology, Hangzhou University, China
B. Sc. (1984) Department of Psychology, Hangzhou University, China
Professional Experiences:
2015-Now Professor, Dept. of Psychology, Hangzhou Normal University, China
2004-2015 Senior Professor, Zhejiang Normal University, China
2000-2004 Professor, Dept. of Psychology, Zhejiang University, China
1993-2000 Associate professor, Dept. of Psychology, Zhejiang University, China
1990-1993 Lecturer, Dept. of Psychology, Zhejiang University, China
1987-1990 Teacher, Dept. of Psychology, Zhejiang University, China
1996-1997 Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Psychology, The University of Montana, USA
1999-2000 Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Psychology, Queen's University, Canada.
Professional Affiliation & Responsibilities:
Deputy director, Zhjiang Province Psychological Society
Board member, Psychological Testing Steering Committee of P.R. China
Board member, Psychological Evaluation Steering Committee of P.R. China
Member, Psychological Association of China
Areas of Research:
I have two major focus of research.
The first focus is on the development of lying. I use experimental methods to investigate how children come to grips with the concept and moral implication of lying, whether children are gullible or they are able to detect others' lies, and whether children can tell convincing lies in various social situations. I also examine the cognitive-social-cultural factors that affect children's acquisition of conceptual and moral knowledge about lying and their ability to detect/tell lies successfully. In addition, I explore neuro-physiological correlates of lying in children and adults.
The second focus of my research is on face processing in children and adults. I use psychophysical methods to study how children and adults process both stable and dynamic information in a face. With regard to stable facial information processing, I focus on how children and adults perceive, encode, and recognize different kinds of faces. With regard to dynamic facial information processing, I study how children and adults detect and interpret other's gaze displays in various social contexts. In addition, I explore neuro-physiological correlates of face processing in children and adults.
Research Grants & Fellowships:
2018-2021 Natural Science Foundation of China, The Development of racial attitudes: Cognitive and social factor intervention approaches. 600k yuan, Number: 31771227
2014-2017 Natural Science Foundation of China, Developmental Cognitive-Neuroscience Research of Lying: Evidence from fNIRS, 650k yuan, Number: 31371041
2011-2013 Natural Science Foundation of China, Mechanisms of Congnitive-Neuroscience on Lying, 350k yuan, Number: 31070894
2010-2013 the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)
2007-2010 the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), Development of Moral Conceptions of Lying, Number: 410-2007-0033
2007-2009 Natural Science Foundation of China, Mechanisms of Lying and Methodological Issues, 280k yuan, Number: 30670696
2005-2010 the National Institute of Health(NIH), Children’s Conceptions of lying: East-West Comparisons, 1 R01 HD048962-01A1
2005-2006 Educational Commission of Zhejiang Province: Development of lying related moral behaviors. Chinese 20,000 yuan
2003-2005 NIH, Cognitive-Brain Phenotyping of Atypical Chinese Children, 1 R21 TW06761-01
2003-2005 Zhejiang Province Natural Science Foundation of China: Research on the lie-telling and the detection of deception. Chinese 50,000 yuan.
2001-2002 Educational Commission of Zhejiang Province: Model of lie-detection and its applications. Chinese 20,000 yuan.
2000-2001 Science Commission of Zhejiang Province: Cross-cultural comparisons of moral development in Chinese and Canadian children. Chinese 10,000 yuan.
1999-2000 Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, CCSEP Program, Canadian Study Scholarship, Developmental Psychology. $6,600
1997-1999 Science Commission of Zhejiang Province: Psychological education in primary school. Chinese 10,000 yuan.
1996-1999 Science Commission of Zhejiang Province: The use of psychological evaluation theory and methodology in education. Chinese 15,000 yuan.
1995-1997 Educational Committee of Zhejiang Province. The standardization of the Drawing A Figure Test. Chinese 7,000 yuan.
1994-1996 National Natural Science Foundation of China. Research on rehabilitation of the mentally retarded children. Chinese 40,000 yuan.
Refereed Publications
1) Ding, X. P., Heyman, G. D., Fu, G. *, Zhu, B., & Lee, K. * (2018). Young Children Discover How to Deceive in 10 Days: A Microgenetic Study. Developmental Science, Volume: 21 Issue: 3 Article Number: e12566 DOI: 10.1111/desc.12566 Published: MAY 2018
2) Fu, GY*; Sai, LY*; Yuan, F; Lee, K* (2018), Young children's self-benefiting lies and their relation to executive functioning and theory of mind, INFANT AND CHILD DEVELOPMENT, 27(1), e2051, DOI: 10.1002/icd.2051, Published: JAN-FEB 2018
3) Wei, J *; Luo, H; Wu, SJ; Zheng, PP; Fu, GY; Lee, K* (2018), Transdermal Optical Imaging Reveal Basal Stress via Heart Rate Variability Analysis: A Novel Methodology Comparable to Electrocardiography, FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, 9: 98, DOI: 0.3389/fpsyg.2018.00098, Published: FEB 8 2018
4) Creel, S. C. *, Weng, M., Fu, G., Heyman, G. D., & Lee, K. (2018), Speaking a tone language enhances musical pitch perception in 3-5-year-olds. Developmental Science. Volume: 21 Issue: 1 Article Number: e12503 Published: JAN 2018
5) Qian, M., Quinn, P., Heyman, G., Pascalis, O., Fu, G. *, & Lee, K. *(2017). Perceptual individuation training (but not mere exposure) reduces implicit racial bias in preschool children. Developmental Psychology, 53, 845-859.
6) Ding, XP*, Wu, SJ, Liu, JG, Fu, GY*, & Lee, K. * (2017). Functional neural networks of honesty and dishonesty in children: Evidence from graph theory analysis. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 7:12085, Published: SEP 21 2017
7) Qian, M., Heyman, G., Quinn, P., Fu, G. *, & Lee, K. * (2017). When the majority becomes the minority: A longitudinal study of the effects of immersive experience with racial out-group members on implicit and explicit racial biases. JOURNAL OF CROSS-CULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY, Volume: 48 Issue: 6 Pages: 914-930 Published: JUL 2017
8) Chao S. Hu*, Qiandong Wang, Tong Han, Ethan Weare & Genyue Fu* (2017). Differential emotion attribution to neutral faces of own and other races, COGNITION & EMOTION, 31(2): 360-368
9) Genyue Fu, Yang C. Luo, Gail D. He, ymanc, Bo Wang, Catherine A. Cameron and Kang Lee, (2016), Moral Evaluations of Lying for One’s Own Group, Infant and Child Development. Volume 25, Issue 5, September/October 2016, Pages 355-370
10) Zhou G, Liu J*, Ding XP, Fu G* and Lee K* (2016) Development of Effective Connectivity during Own- and Other-Race Face Processing: A Granger Causality Analysis. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 10:474. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2016.00474.
11) Zhao J, Liu J*, Jiang X, Zhou G, Chen G, Ding XP, Fu G* and Lee K* (2016) Linking Resting-State Networks in the Prefrontal Cortex to Executive Function: A Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy Study. Front. Neurosci. 10: 452. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2016.00452.
12) Fu, G. *, Heyman, G. D. *, & Lee, K. * (2016) Learning to be Unsung Heroes: Development of Reputation Management in Two Cultures, Child Development, Volume 87, Number 3, Pages 689-699
13) Gail D. Heyman*, Genyue Fu, David Barner, Hu Zhishan, Lixia Zhou, Kang Lee, (2016) Children's Evaluation of Public and Private Generosity and its Relation to Behavior: Evidence from China, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 150 (2016) 16-30.
14) Zhang, J. *, Lin, X., Fu, G. *, Sai, L., Chen, H., Yang, J., Wang, M., Liu, Q., Yang, G., Zhang J. & Yuan Z. * (2016), Mapping the small-world properties of brain networks in deception with functional near-infrared spectroscopy. Scientific Reports. 6, 25297; doi: 10.1038/srep25297 (2016)
15) Qian, M. K., Heyman, G. D., Quinn, P. C., Messi, F. A., Fu, G. * and Lee, K. * (2016) Implicit Racial Biases in Preschool Children and Adults from Asia and Africa, Child Development, 87(1): 285-296
16) Liyang Sai, Xiaohong Linc, J. Peter Rosenfeld, Biao Sang, Xiaoqing Hu *, Genyue Fu *, (2016) Novel, ERP-based, concealed information detection: Combining recognition-based and feedback-evoked ERP, Biological Psychology, 114: 13-22
17) Genyue Fu*, Gail D. Heyman, Miao Qian, Tengfei Guo and Kang Lee*(2016). Young children with a positive reputation to maintain are less likely to cheat, Developmental Science: 19(2): 275-283,
18) Ding, X. P., Wellman, H. M., Wang, Y., Fu, G*., & Lee, K*. (2015). Theory-of-Mind Training Causes Honest Young Children to Lie. Psychological science, 26(11), 1812-1821
19) Chao S. Hu*, Qiandong Wang, Tong Han, Ethan Weare & Genyue Fu*(2015): Differential emotion attribution to neutral faces of own and other races, Cognition and Emotion, DOI: 10.1080/02699931.2015.1092419
20) Genyue Fu, Yang C. Luo, Gail D. Heymanc, Bo Wang, Catherine A. Cameron and Kang Lee, (2015 in press), Moral Evaluations of Lying for One’s Own Group, Infant and Child Development. Published online in Wiley Online Library(wileyonlinelibrary. com). DOI: 10.1002/icd.1941
21) Hu C*, Huang K, Hu X, Liu Y, Yuan F, Wang Q and Fu G* (2015) Measuring the cognitive resources consumed per second for real-time lie-production and recollection: a dual-tasking paradigm. Front. Psychol. 6: 596. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00596
22) Genyue Fu*, Gail D. Heyman, Miao Qian, Tengfei Guo and Kang Lee*(2015, In Press) 1 Young children with a positive reputation to maintain are less likely to cheat, Departmental Science: 1-9
23) Miao Qian, Lixia Zhou, Tiantain Lu, Mengxing Weng, Genyue Fu*(2015), Theoretical construction and empirical research on a preschooler-friendly implicit association test, Acta Psychologica Sinica, Vol. 47, No. 7: 903-913.
24) Genyue Fu, Yan Dong, Paul C. Quinn, Wen S. Xiao, Qiandong Wang, Guowei Chen, Olivier Pascalis, Kang Lee, (2015) Effects of visual expertise on a novel eye-size illusion: Implications for holistic face processing, Vision Research, Volume 113, Part A, August 2015, Pages 104-110
25) Gail D. Heyman, Genyue Fu, Jianyan Lin, Miao K. Qian, Kang Lee, (2015) Eliciting promises from children reduces cheating. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 139: 242-248.
26) Genyue Fu, Gail D. Heyman, Guowei Chen, Peilong Liu, Kang Lee, (2015) Children Trust People Who Lie to Benefit Others. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 129, pp 127-139,
27) Qiandong Wang, Naiqi G. Xiao, Paul C. Quinn, Chao S. Hu, Miao Qian, Genyue Fu*, Kang Lee*, (2015), Visual scanning and recognition of Chinese, Caucasian, and racially ambiguous faces: Contributions from bottom-up facial physiognomic information and top-down knowledge of racial categories, Vision Research 107 (2015) 67-75
28) Zhang, Zhenxin, Heyman, Gail D., Fu, Genyue, Zhang, Di, Yang, Yue, Lee, Kang, (2015), Children's beliefs about self‐disclosure to friends regarding academic achievement. Social Development, Vol24, No. 1: 128-141.
29) Wang, Qiandong; Chen, Guowei; Wang, Zhaoquan; Hu, Chao S. ; Hu, Xiaoqing*; Fu, Genyue*. (2014) Implicit Racial Attitudes Influence Perceived Emotional Intensity on Other-Race Faces. PLoS ONE. Aug2014, Vol. 9 Issue 8, p1-6. 6p. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0105946.
30) Liyang Sai, Xiaohong Lin, Xiaoqing Hu*, Genyue Fu*(2014), Detecting concealed information using feedback related event-related brain potentials. Brain and Cognition 90 (2014) 142-150.
31) Fu, G. *, Xiao, W. S., Killen, M., & Lee, K. * (2014). Moral Judgment and Its Relation to Second-Order Theory of Mind. Developmental Psychology, Vol 50(8), Aug 2014, 2085-2092
32) Wen S. Xiao, Genyue Fu, Paul C. Quinn, Jinliang Qin, James W. Tanaka, Olivier Pascalis5 and Kang Lee, (2015), Individuation training with other-race faces reduces preschoolers’ implicit racial bias: a link between perceptual and social representation of faces in children, Developmental Science, 18(4): 655-663 DOI: 10.1111/desc.12241
33) Wen S Xiao, Genyue Fu, Paul C Quinn, Yu-Hao Sun, Naiqi G Xiao, Qiandong Wang, GuoweiChen, Olivier Pascalis, Fabrice Damon, Kang Lee (2014). The eye-size illusion: Psychophysical characteristics, generality, and relation to holistic face processing. Perception. 43 (4), 265 - 274.
34) Hu, C., S., Wang, Q., Fu, G. *, Quinn, P., C., Lee, K* (2014). Both Children and Adults Scan Faces of Own and Other Races Differently. Vision Research 102 (2014) 1-10
35) Short, L. A., Lee, K., Fu, G., & Mondloch, C. J. (2014). Category-specific face prototypes are emerging, but not yet mature, in 5-year-old children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 126, 161-177.
36) Miao Qian, Genyue Fu*, (2014), The spontaneous-response tasks in the theory of mind in infancy, Advances in Psychological Science, Vol. 22 (1): 27-37.
37) Ding XP; Omrin DS; Evans AD; Fu G*; Chen G; Lee K*, (2014) Elementary school children's cheating behavior and its cognitive correlates. Journal Of Experimental Child Psychology [J Exp Child Psychol], ISSN: 1096-0457, 121: 85-95
38) Liyang Sai, Xiaomei Zhou, Xiao Pan Ding, Genyue Fu*, Biao Sang, (2014) Detecting Concealed Information Using Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, Braim Toppgraphy, 27(5): 652-662
39) Xiao Pan Ding, Genyue Fu*, Kang Lee* (2014). Neural correlates of own- and other-race face recognition in children: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study, NeuroImage 85: 335-344
40) Xiao Pan Ding, Liyang Sai, Genyue Fu*, Jiangang Liu, Kang Lee*, (2014) Neural correlates of second-order verbal deception: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) study, NeuroImage, 87: 505-514.
41) Fu, G*., Moncloch, C., Ding, X. P., Short, L., Sun, L., & Lee, K*. (2014). The neural correlates of the face attractiveness aftereffect: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) Study. NeuroImage 85: 363-371
42) Ding, XP., Gao, X., Fu, G*., & Lee, K*. (2013). Neural correlates of spontaneous deception: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) study. Neuropsychologia51, 704-712
43) Qiandong Wang, Chao Hu, Genyue Fu*, (2013) An eye-tracking research on the other race effect during face processing in preschool children, Acta Psychologica Sinica, Vol. 45(2): 161-168.
44) Qiandong Wang, Chao Hu, Genyue Fu*, (2013) The characteristics of speech spectrum when lying in the scale of Eysenck Personality Questionnaaire, Journal of Psychological Science, 36(2): 306-310.
45) Yanshuo Liu, Genyue Fu*, Fang Yuan, (2013), The influence from dual task on decepyion, Journal of Psychological Science, 36(1): 57-60
46) Heyman, G. D., Fu, G., & Lee, K. (2013). Selective skepticism: American and Chinese children's reasoning about evaluative academic feedback. Developmental Psychology. Vol. 49(3): 543-553.
47) Hu, X., Evans, A., Wu, H., Lee, K., Fu, G* (2013) An interfering dot-probe task facilitates the detection of mock crime memory in a reaction time (RT) -based concealed information test. Acta Psychologica 142(2): 278 - 285
48) Heyman, G. D., Hsu, A., Fu, G., & Lee, K. (2013). Instrumental lying by parents in the U. S. and China. International Journal of Psychology. 48 (6): 1176-1184
49) Ding XP, Du X, Lei D, Hu CS, Fu G*, et al. (2012) The Neural Correlates of Identity Faking and Concealment: An fMRI Study. PLoS ONE 7(11):p1-10 e48639.
50) Wang Q, Hu C, Short LA, Fu G* (2012) The Influence of Shyness on the Scanning of Own- and Other-Race Faces in Adults. PLoS ONE 7(12): p1-8. e52203.
51) Hu X, Chen H and Fu G* (2012). A repeated lie becomes a truth? The effect of intentional control and training on deception. Front. Psychology 3: 488. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00488
52) Fu, G*., Evans, A., Xu, F., & Lee, K*. (2012). Young children can tell strategic lies after committing a transgression. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 113: 147-158 SSCI
53) Lau, Y. L., Cameron, C. A., Chieh, K. M., O’Leary, J., Fu, G., & Lee, K. (2013). Cultural differences in moral justifications enhance understanding of Chinese and Canadian children’s moral decisions. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 44(3): 461-477
54) Fu G, Hu CS, Wang Q, Quinn PC, Lee K (2012), Adults Scan Own- and Other-Race Faces Differently. PLoS ONE 7(6): e37688.
55) Hu C, Wang Q, Short LA, Fu G (2012), Speech Spectrum’s Correlation with Speakers’ Eysenck Personality Traits. PLoS ONE 7(3): e33906.
56) Zhang W., Fu G. (2012), Hide-and-seek Game: An Important Approach to Promotion of Children’s Theory of Mind and Executive Function. Early Childhood Education (Educational Sciences), 2012, No. 4: 32-35
57) Catherine Ann Cameron, Cindy Lau, Genyue Fu & Kang Lee (2012), Development of children’s moral evaluations of modesty and self-promotion in diverse cultural settings, Journal of Moral Education, DOI: 10.1080/03057240.2011.617414
58) Guo T., Fu G, (2011) A Preliminary Study on Effects of Reputation on Children’s Transgression Behavior, Early Childhood Education (Educational Sciences), 2011(7, 8): 59-63.
59) Hu C., Fu g., (2011). Perceive One’s Character through His Choice”: The Relationship between Speech Spectrum and Personality Traits. Advances in psychological science, 19(6), 1-6.
60) Fu, G., Heyman, G. D., & Lee, K. (2011). Reasoning about modesty among adolescents and adults in China and the U. S. Journal of Adolescence. 34 (4): 599-608. (Impact Factor: 1.587; 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.430)
61) Xiaoqing Hu, Haiyan Wu and Genyue Fu, (2011) Temporal course of executive control when lying about self- and other-referential information: An ERP study. Brain Research: 1369(2011)149-157
62) Wu, H., Fu, G., Zhang, Y., (2010). The Effect of Motivation Preparedness on Deception-related P300. Psychological Science China, 2010, 33(4): 949-951.
63) Lin J., Fu G., (2010), The Influences of Promise on Preschool Children’s Transgression and Interrelated Behaviors, Psychological Science China, 2010, 33(5): 1118-1121.
64) Fen Xu, Xuehua Bao, Genyue Fu, Victoria Talwar and Kang Lee (2010) Lying and Truth-Telling in Children: From Concept to Action. Child Development Volume 81, Number 2, March/April 2010, pp. 581-596(16)
65) Fu, G., Brunet, M. K., Lv, Y., Ding, X., Heyman, G. D., Cameron, C. A., & Lee, K. (2010). Chinese children's moral evaluation of lies and truths - roles of context and parental individualism-collectivism tendencies. Infant and Child Development, 19, 498-515.
66) Sweet, M. A., Heyman, G. D., Fu, G. & Lee, K. (2010). Are there limits to collectivism? Culture and children’s reasoning about lying to conceal a group transgression. Infant and Child Development. 19, 422-442.
67) Lin J., Fu G., Liu w., (2010) Adults’ Theory of Mind: Retrospect and prospect, Advances in psychological science, 2010 18(03): 456-463
68) Fen Xu, Yang C. Luo, Genyue Fu, Kang Lee. Children's and adults' conceptualization and evaluation of lying and truth-telling. Infant and Child Development, 2009. Volume 18 Issue 4, P307 - 322
69) Haiyan Wu, Xiaoqing Hu, Genyue Fu (2009) Does willingness affect the N2-P3 effect of deceptive and honest responses? Neuroscience Letters, 467(2): 63-66
70) Heyman, G. D., Fu, G., Sweet, M. A., & Lee, K. (2009). Children's reasoning about evaluative feedback. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 27, 875-890.
71) Fu, G., Ma, Y., Ding, X. P., (2009), GKT based lie-detection methods. Psychological Science China, 32(1), 173-175
72) Wu, H., Fu, G., Zhang, Y., (2009), Neural mechanisms of humor, Advances in psychological science, 17(1):
73) Hu X., Fu G., (2009), Neural basis of social cognition - The mirror neuron system, Advances in psychological science, 17(1):
74) Fu. G., Evans, A. D., Wang, L., & Lee, K. (2008). Lying in the name of the collective good: a developmental study. Developmental Science, 11(4), 495-503.
75) Heyman, G. D., Fu, G., & Lee, K. (2008). Reasoning About the Disclosure of Success and Failure to Friends Among Children in the United States and China. Developmental Psychology, 44(4), 908-918.
76) Ding Xiaopan & Fu Genyue. (2008) An ERP study of the acquired process about self-referring information. (Abstract) International Journal of Psychology, 43, 255-255
77) Fu, G., Ma, Y., Ding, X. P., (2008) Experimental research on detection of crime based on the GKT principles. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 16(5), 481-484.
78) Fu, G., Ma, Y., Ding, X. P. (2008) GKT based lie-detection research. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 16(1), 106-109.
79) Fu, G., & Lee, K. (2007). Social grooming in the kindergarten: The emergence of flattery behavior. Developmental Science, 10, 255-265.
80) Fu, G., Xu, F., Cameron, C. A., Heyman, G., & Lee, K. (2007). Cross-Cultural Differences in Children’s Choices, Categorizations, and Evaluations of Truths and Lies. Developmental Psychology, 43, 278-293.
81) Gail D. Heyman, Genyue Fu, Kang Lee (2007), Evaluating Claims People Make About Themselves: The Development of Skepticism, Child Development 78 (2), 367-375.
82) FU, G. Y., Wang, L. F. (2006). Elementary School Children's Choices of Lying or Truth-Telling when Facing Hypothetical Moral Dilemmas, Psychological Science China, 32(5): 1049-1052.
83) FU, G. Y., Ding, X. P. (2006). Children’s Evaluation of Self-report of Information About Psychological Traits, Psychological Science China, Vol. 28, No. 2: 392-394.
84) Chen. C. K., FU, G. Y., Ni, X. F., Yang, C. G. (2006). Cognitive Effect of EDA in Lie Detection. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, Vol. 14, No. 3: 286-288, 291.
85) FU, G. Y., Wang, L. F. (2005). Moral Understanding and Evaluation of Lying or Truth Telling of Primary School Children Under the Circumstances of Individual Benefit or Collective Benefit. Psychological Science China, Vol. 28, No. 4: 859-862
86) Fu, G. Y., Chen, C. K., Miu, W., Ni, X. F. (2005). Emotional components and related skin conductance response during lie-detection. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, Vol. 13, No. 3: 321-323.
87) Fu, G. Y., Ma, Y., Miu, W. (2004), Research on Guilty Knowledge Test (GKT) Paradigm and Variation, Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, Vol. 12 No. 4: 410-413.
88) San, Y. Y., Fu, G. Y. (2004), Language and short-term memory in children with Downs syndrome. Chinese Journal of Special Education, 2003, No 4: 13-16.
89) Ma, Y., Fu, G. Y. (2004), Gender stereotyping in elementary school children as influenced by schooling Middle and Elementary School Education Abroad, No. 2: 36-39
90) Ma, Y., Fu, G. Y. (2004). Fostering emotional regulations among preschool children. Preschool Education, No6: 24-24.
91) Fu, G. Y., Sun, Y. Z. (2003). The study of relationships between face saving behaviors and face concept in preschoolers, Psychological Science China, 26, No. 6: 1039-1042.
92) Sun, Y. Z., Fu, G. Y. (2003). The current research situation of autism in China, Chinese Journal of Special Education, 2003, No. 5: 81-84.
93) Xie, M. F., Fu, G. Y. (2003). Development of the Child Pain Questionnaire. The Journal of clinical Pediatrics, Vol. 21 No. 9: 568-569.
94) Wang, L. F., Fu, G. Y. (2003) Children’s early knowledge about links between prior experience and emotion of other persons, Psychological Science China, 26,, Vol. 26, No. 4:
95) Wang, L. F., Fu, G. Y. (2003) Mental health of elderly people in rural areas, Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, Vol. 11 No. 2: 128-129.
96) Fu, G. Y., Jiang P. L. (2003). Six-year-olds' face-saving lie-telling: The effect of familiarity and authority, Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 9 No. 1: 24-28
97) Fu, G. Y., Chen, C. K (2003). Review and Trend on the Research of Traditional Polygraph Procedures, Advances in psychological science, Vol. 11 No. 1: 108-115.
98) Fu, G. Y. (2003), Research on the Draw-A-Person Intelligence Test. In Meng, Q. M. et-al, Psychological and educational measurement in the new century (p. 116-126). Shanghai Educational Publisher.
99) Zhu, Q. Y., Fu, G. Y. (2003), The usability of the Draw-A-Person Intelligence Test., In Meng, Q. M. et-al, Psychological and educational measurement in the new century (p. 370-383). Shanghai Educational Publisher.
100) Sai Yanyan, Fu Genyue, & Zhao Zhengyan. William’s Syndrome: Current research. Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology. Vol. 8 No. 4: 56-60
101) Fu, G. Y., Chen, C. K., & Hu, Y. J. (2002). Elementary school children’s concept of collectivism. Psychological Science China, 25, No. 5. 612-613
102) Zhu, Q. Y., & Fu, G. Y. (2002). The Draw-A-Figure Test: Urban and rural comparisons. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 10, No. 1, 54-55
103) Guo, H. Q., & Fu, G. Y. (2001). An introduction to a group project test. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 9, No. 4, 303-306.
104) Fu, G. Y., Lee, K., Cameron, C. A., & Xu, F. (2001). Chinese and Canadian Adults’ Categorization and Evaluation of Lie- and Truth-Telling about Pro- and Anti-Social Behaviors, British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 32, No. 6, 740-746.
105) Lee, k., Xu, F., Fu, G. Y., Cameron, C. A., &Chen, S. M.; Taiwan and Mainland Chinese and Canadian children’s categorization and evaluation of lie- and truth-telling: A modesty effect. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 19, 525-542
106) Lee, F. M., & Fu, G. Y. (2001). Preliminary use of the Adult Attachment Questionnaire (AAQ3. 1). Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 9, No. 4: 303-306.
107) Fu, G. Y., & Chen, W. W. (2001). Development of modest behaviors in elementary school children. Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology, 7, No. 1: 19-24.
108) Fu, G. Y., & Chen, W. (2000). Children’s evaluation of modesty. Psychological Science China, 23, No. 5. 581-585
109) Fu, G. Y. (2000). Language difficulties in mentally retarded children. Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology. Vol. 6 (1): 21-26
110) Fu, G. Y. (1999). The development of the Draw A Person Test. Psychological Science China, 22, No. 5, 465-466
111) Fu, G. Y. (1999). The Manual of Draw A Person Test, Department of Psychology, Zhejiang University, P. R. China.
112) Xu, F., Bao, X., & Fu, G. (1999). Children’s understanding and evaluation of lies in explicit intentions. Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology, 5 (1), 31-36.
113) Fu, G. Y., & Chen, W. (1998). The research of the Draw A Person test items. Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology, 4 (2), 9-14
114) Xu, F., & Fu, G. Y., (1998). Children’s Evaluations on lying and truth-telling. Acta Psychological Sinica, 30(4), 452-459.
115) Fu, G. Y., & Wang, W. J. (1997). The research and appliead of the Intelligence Screening Scale for Child, In Zhang, H. C. (ed), Psychological and educational testing, Zhejiang Educational Publishing House, 372-380
116) Kisilevski, B., Haines, S., Lee, K., Muir, D., Xu, F., Fu, G., Zhao, Z., & Yang, M. (1998). The Still-Face Effect in Chinese and Canadian 3- to 6- Month-Old Infants, Developmental Psychology, 34, (4), 629-639
117) Lee, K., Cameron, C. A., Xu, F., Fu, G., & Board, J. (1997). Chinese and Canadian Children’s Evaluations of Lying and Telling: Similarities and differences in the Context of Pro- and Antisocial Behaviors, Child Development, 68(5), 924-934
118) Xu F. Z. & Fu G. Y., (1996). A Use of BGT in Mentally retarded children. Chinese Mental Health Journal, 10(5), 208-209.
119) Lin, Y. P., Fu G. Y., & Wang W. J. (1996). The Initial Application of H. R. Neuropsychological Test on Children with Mental Retardation, Chinese Journal of Special Education, 10(1), 2-7.
120) Wang, W. J., Fu, G. Y., Wang, H., & Xu, Y. (1995). An Assessment Scale for Social Adaptive Behavior of Children from 3 to 7 Years of Age. Medicine and Sport Science, 40, 111-119.
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1) 2017, Zhejiang Province Philosophy and Social Science Research Excellence Award Third Prize,Learning to be Unsung Heroes: Development of Reputation Management in Two Cultures
2) 2015, Zhejiang Province Philosophy and Social Science Research Excellence Award First Prize,Moral Judgment and Its Relation to Second-Order Theory of Mind.
3) 2011, Zhejiang Province Philosophy and Social Science Research Excellence Award Second Prize,Chinese children's moral evaluation of lies and truths - roles of context and parental individualism-collectivism tendencies.
4) 2007, Zhejiang Province Science and Technology Advancement Award: Improvements of lie-detection methodologies and principles.
5) 2008, Zhejiang Province First Class University Research Excellence Award: Development of lying related moral behavioral development in children.
6) 2005, Zhejiang Province Second Class University Research Excellence Award: Lie-detection methodological improvements.
7) 2002, Zhejiang Province First Class University Research Excellence Award: Research on the relationship between children's lying behavior and their moral understanding.
8) 2000, Zhejiang Province Science and Technology Advancement Award: Child Intelligence Scale construction and application.
9) 1999, Zhejiang Province Education Commission Science and Technology Advancement Award: The Draw A Person Test.
10) 1992, P.R.China Education Commission Science and Technology Advancement Award:, The diagnosis and education of mentally retarded children.
11) 1989, Zhejiang Province Science and Technology Advancement Award: The Intelligence Screening Scale for Children.
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