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The Psychiatry Group

Research Focus: Psychiatric disorders

The mission of the psychiatry group in CCBD is to systematically study psychiatric diseases with an interdisciplinary approach. The group’s research projects include: investigating how emotional dysregulation influences emotional and cognitive information processing in the brain; exploring abnormal self-related processing associated with psychiatric diseases; and elucidating the abnormal cortical-subcortical circuits involved in different phases of affective disorders with a multivariate dynamic network approach. This group is engaged in both basic and translational research, incorporating psychology, molecular biology and systems-level analyses. Currently, the group’s research is focus on affective disorders, such as depression and alexithymia. This team is composed of dedicated clinical psychiatrists (Dr. Donglin Wang, Dr. Dai Han, Dr. Yuedi Shen), neuroscientists (adjunct Prof. Georg Northoff), neuropsychologist (Dr. Zhiguo Hu) and neural computation specialist (Dr. Shaowei Xue).

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