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Individual differences in risk decision-making

Speaker: Dr. Li, Jian

Host: Yu-feng Zang

Time: Jan 24, 2019, 10:00-12:00 a.m.

Location: Shuyuan 19-308

Organization: Institute of Psychological Science, Hangzhou Normal University

Personal Profile:

Dr. Jian Li is a Principal Investigator at the Department of Psychology, and the IDG/McGovern Institute for Brain Research at Peking University. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Cognitive Neuroscience & Neuroeconomics at Baylor College of Medicine in 2007, and a M.B.A. degree in Economics from New York University in 2010. He was a Research Scientist at the Department of Psychology before he came back to China in 2012. Dr. Li is interested in human neural mechanisms and cognition relating to reward-based learning and decision-making, and was supported by the Chinese National “1000 Young Talent” program, Ministry of Science & Technology “973” grant, and Chinese National Science Foundation.


People often show large individual differences in risk decision-making. We examine the effects of personality traits (greedy) and behavioral characteristics on individual risk decision preferences in two experimental paradigms. Our behavioral models and neuroimaging data demonstrate how individual traits that affect individual risk decisions in different contexts are characterized by neural structures and functions, thereby controlling the individual behavioral output.

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