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Academic Talks (5/30/2014)

Speaker_1: Xiao-Meng Xu  博士.

Time: 2014.5.30, Friday, 3:00 p.m.
Place: 109 room (239 seats), 19 Shu-Yuan building, Hangzhou Normal University (Cangqian Campus).

Title: Understanding the brain and behavior of self-expansion and its implications for addictions research.   
Biography: Dr. Xiaomeng Xu received her Bachelor's in Psychology from New York University, her Master's in Psychology from Stony Brook University, and her Ph.D. in Social and Health Psychology from Stony Brook University. She completed a National Institutes of Health (NIH) postdoctoral research fellowship in cardiovascular behavioral medicine at The Miriam Hospital and The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University. Dr. Xu's research spans cardiovascular and behavioral medicine (with focuses on weight control, physical activity, and smoking), close relationships (with a focus on romantic relationships), and fMRI neuroimaging. Her research has been published in multiple peer-reviewed journals and has been funded by such sources as the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) of NIH. She is currently an assistant professor of psychology at Idaho State University.website: http://www.isu.edu/psych/fac_xu.shtml


Speaker_2: 徐志伟  教授.
Time: 2014.5.30, Friday, 4:00 p.m.
Place: 109 room (239 seats), 19 Shu-Yuan building, Hangzhou Normal University (Cangqian Campus).

摘要:云计算技术的一个主要方向是及时处理大数据,包括前端数据查询分析与后端数据挖掘。如何在一秒钟内从万亿条数据库记录中查询出所需结果?如何在100PB的数据仓库中快速地抽取出50TB的数据并挖掘出业务价值?这当中有什么学术抽象和创新技术?更重要的,如何让学术研究影响同行、用户和社会?如何让大学生与研究生的研究工作有趣而又富于挑战?本报告通过中科院计算所的三个研究工作实例,试图回答上述问题。这三个实例是100PB数据的放置技术(RCFile)、万亿记录的索引技术(CCIndex)、大数据计算的高速通信技术(DataMPI),其中部分研究成果已经得到全球应用。网址: http://people.ucas.ac.cn/~xuzhiwei
【来源: 日期:2014-05-28 13:01:31 点击:293