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姓   名:张烨

职   称:副教授,硕士生导师





· 汉语阅读、言语产出等的认知神经机制研究;

· 语言障碍和运动障碍的行为康复训练和TMS精准治疗


2025.03~至今:杭州师范大学附属医院 精准TMS诊疗中心

2012.7~至今: 杭州师范大学附属医院 认知与脑疾病研究中心

2009.92012.5:西南大学 心理学部 博士

2010.72012.5:加拿大蒙特利尔大学 视知觉实验室 联合培养博士

2006.92009.6:西南大学 心理学院 硕士




Scientific Reports》编委


国家科技重大专项,子任务, 中国学龄儿童脑智发育队列研究—杭州师范大学队列建设(项目编号:2021ZD0200518),2022-2026,负责人。

浙江省自然科学基金, 探索一般项目, 同步 rTMS 和内隐言语训练对亚急性期卒中后失语的语言改善及神经可塑性机制 (项目编号:LY24C090005)2024-2026 年,项目负责人。

浙江省自然科学基金一般项目, “视觉系统中汉字识别的神经特异性研究”(项目编号:LY18C090010), 2018-2020年,项目负责人。


浙江省自然科学基金青年项目,“汉字识别早期加工的认知神经机制研究” (项目编号:LQ14C090004)2014-2016年,项目负责人。

加拿大自然科学与工程研究项目,“Cultural impact on extraction and integration of visual information(项目编号:435977-2013), 2013-2018, 合作研究者。

加拿大社会科学与人文科学研究项目“The impact of culture and ethnic prejudices on the perception of the facial expression of pain.(项目编号:430-2016-00473)2016-2018年,合作研究者。



Lu, Y., Mao, L., Wang, P., Wang, C., Hartwigsen, G.*, & Zhang, Y.* (2024). Aberrant neural oscillations in poststroke aphasia. Psychophysiology. Early View. https://doi.org/10.1111/psyp.14655. SSCI JCR Q1

Wang, C., Nie, P., Wang, P., Wang, Y., Zang, Y., & Zhang, Y. *(2024). The therapeutic effect of transcranial magnetic stimulation on post-stroke aphasia and the optimal treatment parameters: A Meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation, S0003-9993(23)00659-7. SCI JCR Q1

Feng, M., An, L., Wang, P., Zhang, Y.*(2023). Visual similarity with L1 facilitates the neural specialization for scripts of L2. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 65, 101113. SSCI JCR 2

Saumure, C., Plouffe-Demers, M-P., Fiset, D., Cormier, S., Zhang, Y., Dan, S., Feifan, L., Kunz, M., & Blais, C*. (2023). Differences between east asians and westerners in the mental representations and visual information extraction involved in the decoding of pain facial expressions intensity. Affective Science

Luo, C., Chen, W., VanRullen, R., Zhang, Y.*, & Gaspar, C. M.* (2022). Nudging the N170 forward with prior stimulation-Bridging the gap between N170 and recognition potential. Human brain mapping, 43(4), 1214–1230. SCIE JCR 1

Chen, J., Sun,D.,Wang, P.,Lv., Y. & Zhang.,Y.*(2022). Brain mechanism of Chinese character processing in the rapid stream stimulation. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 63, 101084. SSCI JCR 2

Chen, J. & Zhang, Y.*(2022). Chinese Character Processing in Visual Masking. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:763705. SSCI JCR 1

Feng, M., Sun, D., & Zhang, Y.* (2021). Recognizing Chinese Characters in Peripheral Vision: Different Levels of Processing of Character. Journal of psycholinguistic research, 50(2), 275–291. SSCI JCR 2


Luo, C., Chen, W., Zhang, Y.*, Gaspar, C.M.*(2019). Rapid stream stimulation can enhance the stimulus selectivity of early evoked responses to written characters but not faces. PLoS ONE 14(3): e0213637. SCIE JCR2

Estephan, A., Fiset, D., Saumure, C., Plouffedemers, M., Zhang, Y., Sun, D., & Blais, C. (2018). Time Course of Cultural Differences in Spatial Frequency Use for Face Identification. Scientific Reports, 8(1). SCIE JCR 2

Yang, Q.*, Luo, C., & Zhang, Y.*(2017). Individual Differences in the early recognition of moral information in lexical processing: an event-related potential study. Scientific Reports, 7: 1475. SCIE JCR 2

Luo, C., Chen, W., & Zhang, Y.* (2017). The Inversion Effect for Chinese Characters is modulated by radical organization. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 46:791–803. SSCI JCR 2

Tardif, J., Fiset, D., Zhang, Y., Estephan, A., Cai, Q., Luo, C., & Blais, C. (2017). Culture Shapes Spatial Frequency Tuning for Face Identification. Journal of Experimental Psychology Human Perception & Performance, 43(2):294-306.

Wang, H., Jin, X., Zhang, Y., Wang, J. (2016). Single-subject morphological brain networks: connectivity mapping, topological characterization and test–retest reliability. Brain and Behavior, 6(4), e00448. SCIE JCR 2

Yang, Q., Li, A., Xiao, X., Zhang, Y., & Tian, X. (2014). Dissociation between morality and disgust: An event-related potential study. International journal of psychophysiology, 94 1, 84-91.

孙丹 & 张烨* (2016). 双侧梭状回面孔区在面孔加工中的功能分工与协作. 心理科学进展,24(4), 510–516.

蔡秋菊, 罗灿煌, 张凤华, & 张烨* (2015). 识别电位概述. 心理学探新, 35(6), 509-513.

张烨*, 邵涵钰, GASPAR,(2015). 左侧颞下叶在面孔信息加工中的作用:一项ECoG案例研究. 科学通报, 25: 2438-2446.

陈丽, 李伟霞, 张烨, & 张庆林(2015). 躯体知觉的认知神经机制. 心理科学, (01): 85-92.

张烨*, 张凤华, 向玲, 张庆林(2014). 人类面孔早期加工特异性神经机制. 心理学探新, 34(4):316-322.

【来源: 日期:2013-03-14 10:35:24 点击:7000

