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  CCBD精神疾病组的任务在于对精神疾病进行多学科交叉的系统研究。研究方向包括以下几个方面:情绪调节的异常如何影响大脑的情绪与认知功能;精神疾病患者的自我相关异常;疾病相关的神经内分泌以及药理相关的大脑回路,特别是寻找重要的生物指标;皮层及皮层下神经回路在不同疾病、不同病程中的动态异常特征。该研究小组强调基础科学与临床应用并重,整合心理学、分子生物学以及系统层次的分析。目前重点在情感性精神疾病,今后将扩展到轻型颅脑损伤、精神分裂症、创伤后应激障碍、强迫症、药物滥用、躯体化障碍等。本组的核心成员包括全职投入的精神病理专家(王东林医生、沈悦娣医生)、神经科学家(翁旭初教授、Georg Northoff教授、王东林博士、李典文博士)、神经心理学家(胡治国博士)以及神经计算专家(王金辉博士)。


Psychiatric disorders research

The mission of the psychiatry group in CCBD is to systematically study psychiatric diseases with an interdisciplinary approach. Our research projects include: investigating how emotional dysregulation influences emotional and cognitive information processing in the brain; exploring abnormal self-related processing associated with psychiatric diseases; unveiling disease-related neural network modulated by neuroendocrine and psychopharmacology, with particular emphasis on developing useful biomarkers; and elucidating the abnormal cortical-subcortical circuits involved in different phases of affective disorders with a multivariate dynamic network approach. This group is engaged in both basic and translational research, incorporating psychology, molecular biology and systems-level analyses. Currently our research is focused on affective disorders, and will extend to mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), drug abuse and somatization in the future. This team is composed of dedicated clinical psychiatrists (Dr. Donglin Wang, Dr. Yuedi Shen), neuroscientists (Prof. Xuchu Weng, Prof. Georg Northoff, Dr. Donglin Wang and Dr. Dianwen Li), neuropsychologist (Dr. Zhiguo Hu) and neural computation specialist (Dr. Jinghui Wang).

【来源: 日期:2013-02-26 10:08:08 点击:3635

